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We like to develop ties with other websites offering
complementary products and services.
Affiliates earn a commission by selling our games.
Our affiliate program allows sites with similar interests to ourselves to sell our games through their own sites for 20% commission on every sale.
Perhaps you sell fancy dress clothing. Maybe you are an amateur theatre company. Or a bookshop. Or a brewery! And, once everything is in place, you can just sit back and wait for those commissions to arrive.
Pointing customers to us is a simple, straightforward way for you to make some extra money. We handle the sales ourselves so the work for you to do is minimal.
Our Affiliate Scheme is free to join, subject to our approval. You can then direct people to where they can buy our games – games people eagerly search for on the internet. If you are interested, please read on!
Affiliates – how it works
After signing up (subject to our approval), you receive a login and password for your own Affiliate Admin Area. You will find special links here which you can add to your site. Each link contains a small, hidden piece of data – a “cookie”. This data ensures that, if someone visits our site by clicking on your link, we will know you referred them to us. And, if they then buy one of our games, you will automatically receive a 20% commission. And how much is that in cash terms? At the moment, it’s about 9-15 US Dollars per game.
Your Affiliate Admin Area will keep you all informed of all the money you are earning. And we’ll notify you every time we send this money to you.
To see how another site successfully markets our games, please visit Steve Hatherley’s Great Murder Mystery Games here. He has pages devoted to our Auction plot and other Murder Mystery Games plots on his site. And he skilfully helps increase awareness of how much fun the games are.
How do I become an affiliate?
Read through our Affiliates Terms and Conditions then click here to sign up. By doing so, you confirm that you have read and accepted these terms.
We then consider your application. Subject to our approving* it, we then set you up as an affiliate and create your own Affiliate Admin Area. Visiting this area will tell you how to set up the links on your site which will start earning you those commissions.
* If the people who visit your website are likely to be interested in our games, we will usually give our approval.
Existing affiliates
We appreciate your loyalty and will continue to do everything we can to keep things working well for you. If you are having any problems with the system, just email us at mmgames[place @ here] and we’ll gladly give you all the help we can. If there is anything you need which we aren’t currently providing, let us know and we’ll do our best to provide it for you.